Thursday, July 19, 2012

Outdoor Afro Recon

Today I did a little recon for a hike for my friends at Outdoor Afro.  Taz, my dog, and I went out to New Hope Overlook, an area in the Jordan Lake State Recreation area.  I wanted to see if the hike was a good one for an Outdoor Afro event.  It was a little cooler than usual for this summer (low 90s) with a little breeze.

We started down the trail, which was well marked and quite soft, due to the pine needle groundcover. Taz trotted eagerly along, trying to lead the way. I'm sure she was happy just to be outside. It has been so hot lately, that her outside time has been considerably shortened.

TAZ Leading the way.

Taz Decided to lead the way for a bit. She was very good about staying on the trail, even though I'm sure she paid no attention to the blazes.

Trail Blazes
 Once we reached the Overlook, Taz decided to go for a run down the beach, and then a swim. It was a  refreshing way to break the heat.

Running down the beach.

Refreshing dip

AHHH Nice and cool!

The trail was quite easy and relaxing. Almost a meditation. The breeze was soft, I could smell the lake and hear the little critters running throught the woods.  The only negative to the day was that the trail was obviously not recently used and I broke a TON of spider webs with my face, before I finally smartened up and picked up a stick to break trail.

All in all, however, I think that we both agree that this is an excellent trail for a future Outdoor Afro Hike!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Kona Cotton Solids

So, I went to my local fabric shop to start, what I thought would be, a long day of shopping around for the Kona Cotton Solids that I need for my art quilt.  Lo, and behold, the very first shop I stopped in, Wish Upon a Quilt, had ALL 243 solids in ALPHABETICAL ORDER!  Yowza!!!  My entire day of shopping down to about 30 minutes. 

Here is a rough sketch of my quilt

Me hiking through the mountains

Here are some of the fabrics that I picked for the quilt.  I can't wait to get started.



Tree Bark
Dirt and trail

Friday, July 13, 2012

Stash Bee, Hive 1

So, this is the very first post of my very first blog.  Not very exciting, is it?

Part of the reason for taking up blogging is to post the blocks I'm making for my stash bee - a virtual quilting bee that uses fabric from your stash to make blocks for other bee members.  The other part of the reason?  I haven't a clue.

Here are the four blocks I've made to date:

I am just starting my very first art quilt. I'm telling you here so I don't chicken out. I'll let you know how it progresses.